Colostrum: The best kept health secret the world does not know about.

2 min read

The immune system is under more threat today than at any stage in human existence. Mutating viruses, processed foods, preservatives, pollution, microplastics, heavy metals, stress and lifestyles challenges just to name a few. All disease and even aging is the result of a dysfunctional immune system. Enter colostrum. There is no substance on earth that can equal the immune boosting multi functioning properties of colostrum.

Colostrum is the first milk produced by all mammals after birth of a baby. Bovine colostrum, distinct from regular milk, stands out for its remarkable composition of bioactive compounds. This unique substance has garnered attention for its potential benefits in various contexts, especially in promoting health and disease resistance. It is produced in the mammary gland just prior to birth so it is available for the baby from the moment they are born. Not only is colostrum a rich food source for the newborn, but its natural purpose is also to protect the infant from infections in the first few days of its life. Without colostrum the new born will die within 72 hours due to infections.

Through Colostrum a mother transfers a complete copy of her immune systems memory and protective qualities going back thousands of years. Colostrum protects the gut of the newborn from attack by pathogenic bacteria and viruses, but more importantly it helps the newborn to immediately establish a healthy gut microbiome.

Colostrum is not only life’s first food its also the “Foundation Of Good Health.” While the development of the gut microbiome and pathogen protection is colostrum’s most important role, it contains many other natural bio active factors that are now known to heal and protect the future of the newborn. We also know that these factors are important at all stages of life, particularly as we start to grow older. As humans we have known this for centuries, but with the advent of modern medicines this has been suppressed and we have forgotten.

The ancient Egyptians believed that colostrum had spiritual properties capable of enhancing the souls of the deceased. They believed it helped them transition into the afterworld and attain everlasting life. When there was a plague or epidemic it was known that the only protection was to take colostrum. It was so revered that it was believed to be “The Gift Of Creation.” Colostrum was prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine, as having medicinal and spiritual benefits. Even today, Hindus continue to hold cows in high regard due to their spiritual significance, particularly their association with colostrum. The term for astonishment in all cultures is “Holy Cow” again indicting the reverence colostrum is held.

Evidence can be found in many cultures across the world, including first nations peoples, and Europeans of the reverence in which colostrum is held, for its healing properties. European cultures consumed traditional foods and cheeses made from colostrum, as they understood the health promoting properties of this life sustaining substance, produced by a mother to protect her newborn. Many families today, particularly in Eastern bloc countries use colostrum as a preventive product, and also increase consumption when they faced health challenges. Most cannot afford western medicines, but they understand the healing power of colostrum.

Many would ask why are the healing properties of colostrum not more widely known. Firstly, they are a mothers secret and this secret is passed through families by word of mouth. Secondly, we cannot yet make pharmaceutical type claims because there are so many substances in colostrum that work together, synergistically. We cannot isolate one compound like in modern medicine and say that this multi functioning compound has a specific effect on a body function.

Colostrum acts as a complete product to heal and repair the body back to an optimum state, by firstly returning the gut microbiome back to a healthy state. The body then picks up the bio actives it needs from colostrum and food to heal itself. It is just the way that nature intended it to be. Thirdly when Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin in 1928 it is apparent the pharmaceutical industry wanted to avoid any competition to the infection treatment industry, so most of the ancient knowledge was suppressed. Being natural of course it cannot be patented. The New Image mission is to again make the world aware of the spiritual powers of mother natures colostrum.

Mr Graeme Clegg was a sheep farmer. In his early farming career, he made a crucial observation, newborn lambs that did not get colostrum died of infections within 48 hours. He began to realise the importance of this first milk, colostrum, in reducing mortality and transferring a fast start to life. Motivated by anecdotal evidence and personal observations, he transitioned from farming to a relentless pursuit of expanding colostrum knowledge worldwide, and learning from experts in the field. Simultaneously, he founded his business, New Image Group Ltd., producing and selling colostrum-based products to health concious consumers who believed in its significant benefits.

The bio actives that triggered every function in the new born of course have the same ability to restore optimium function awhen taken at any stage in life. With a robust safety profile, applicability across diverse age groups, and availability in user-friendly oral formulations post-inactivation, colostrum stands as a compelling option for consumer acceptance and ease of use. Ensuring safe processing for human consumption is paramount in maximizing these advantages.New Image has partnered with mother nature to make colostrum conveniently available on demand.

Colostrum is an extremely complex substance essential to activate every function of the new borns body. It could be described as blood serum converted by the mamary gland having every life force blood has, without the type limitations. Being a life force it transfers memory and instructions while also facilitating cell to cell communication. At that time the only commercially avaiable colostrum was from cows. He understood that it did not matter what mammalian species the colostrum came from. All mamals are warm blooded and suckle their young. They all get the same diseases. Blood poisoning, Diarreah, Food poisioning, Cancer, Covid etc. Cows produce much more colostrum than one baby calf needs, so the surplus can be sustainably harvested .

Not being hygenic like humans, cows colostrum is many times more potent than human mothers colostrum. It is essential that the new born gets sufficient colostrum to insure its immunity is not compromised otherwise they will not survive. However colostrum must be treated so carefully to retain its precious life-forces. New Image realised that most of colostrums bio actives were too fragile to be processed in dairy milk powder plants with high temperature and pressure, so has developed its own facilities to ensure that all the precious bioactives are retained. These processes are unique and protected by patents ensuring a far superior product retaining the maximium bioavailability intended by mother nature.

The company has since grown and successfully diversified into a range of colostrum-related products. It has expanded its operations internationally into 25 countries. In 2022, New Image Group Ltd. achieved a remarkable milestone, securing the #26 position in the Global 100 Direct Sales companies, with revenues nearing $500 million. This exponential growth, starting from humble origins, underscores the trust placed by our global consumers in the products we offer. This growth reflects the substantial health and well-being benefits derived from colostrum, and promoted by New Image.

Moving forward, the Company is committed to expanding its presence overseas and breaking into new markets by introducing innovative products. The objective is to empower individuals worldwide to achieve their health and wellness goals through awareness and self intevention. “A healer is not someone you go to for healing. A healer is someone that triggers within you, your own ability to heal yourself.”

Bovine Colostrum: Science or Sales Gimmick?

Bovine colostrum stands out for its remarkable composition of bioactive compounds. These compounds can provide significant health benefits when colostrum is consumed on a regular basis. A significant amount of research has been carried out by prominent scientists all over the world. Many of the published and peer reviewed papers are available at “The Institute of Colostrum Research”, The latest scientific data is collected by this not-for-profit organisation and made available to the general public.

The most notable of the bioactive compounds are the antibodies (immunoglobulins). Antibody levels in colostrum are very high. Nature has designed it this way so the newborn infant can get immediate protection against attack by pathogenic viruses, fungi and bacteria. The antibodies work largely in the gut scavenging these bad bacteria and viruses removing them from the intestine. This allows the good bacteria to populate effectively and form a healthy gut microbiome. The science supports this statement.

Complementing the antibodies are an absolutely huge number of other bioactive compounds. There are immune-like factors, growth factors, signalling proteins and sugars, bioactive carbohydrates, bioactive peptides, milk phospholipids, oligosaccharides, lysozymes, lactoferrin, and lactoperoxidase to name a few. It is a perfect most complete food. Some colostrum-derived peptides exhibit promising potential in modulating immune responses, reducing inflammation, and displaying antiviral properties.

Drawing upon the scientific evidence available, it becomes apparent that the importance of colostrum to both ancient and contemporary societies is undeniable. Thus, its benefits are substantiated and not merely perceived as marketing tactics. Even now we are still uncovering the secrets nature has embedded in this product, produced by a mother to protect her newborn. Our latest research has identified 106 amino acid peptide sequences and an astonishing 152 proteins in the colostrum cream which is syphoned off during most commercial processing. Graeme Cleggs curiosity about why mother nature would have cream in colostrum if there was no value to it, led to these discoveries.

The current focus revolves around unravelling the intricate science of polypeptides, elucidating their mechanisms of action, delving into cell biology, and exploring translational immunology, among other areas. The company is dedicated to disseminating these discoveries to the broader international community, thus enriching the understanding of bovine and goat colostrum. This steadfast commitment to scientific inquiry underscores the dedication to unlocking the full potential of colostrum in promoting human health and pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge, aligning with the vision of New Image Group Ltd.'s Founder.

Aware of the immense potential of colostrum, New Image Group Ltd. delved into preserving its nutritional value and bioactive compounds. To progress the unlocking of colostrums secrets, Graeme Clegg has established a research arm of the company, New Image Innovation (NII). The role of the NII scientists is to explore the bioactive compounds in colostrum and understand how they interact with humans to provide tangible health and wellness benefits. The company has already made several important innovative leaps in technology to deliver superior products for consumers.

The Alpha Lipid™ Technology is one of these technology leaps. The technology provides a protective barrier for the delicate bio actives in colostrum helping them transition through the gut wall into the body, as well as also providing protection for them through the acidic environment of the stomach. This technology is about maximising processed colostrum health and wellness benefits to the consumer. The objective is to empower individuals worldwide to achieve their health and wellness goals through strengthening the immune system.

New Image Innovation has completed an extensive program of research into the manufacture of a new and significantly more enhanced bioactive colostrum. While immunoglobulin G has been the accepted primary measure of colostrum activity, it is only a measuring one aspect of the products functionality. NII is now preparing to manufacture a novel Gold Standard colostrum powder. While the company has been the leader in colostrum powder development, this new technology is a paradigm shift in colostrum manufacture. The product is considerably more bioactive, than other powders in the market place, allowing it to target a much wider range of health conditions.

NII has identified medical research partners, and an initial program is already in place investigating the effects of this new powder in mitigating the effects of type II age on-set diabetes.

Already reported in literature are studies investigating the relationship between colostrum and gut associated diseases, Chrones disease, Leaky Gut syndrome and Irritable Bowel. All these diseases are related to significant inflammation states within the body. We are investigating further the relationship between anti-inflammatory compounds in colostrum and the mitigation of diseases related to inflammatory states within the human body, such as arthritis, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. New Image intends to maintain its role at the forefront of colostrum research and understanding of how this product helps heal and repair disease states within the body.

What many people don’t understand is the importance of the gut to your overall health and wellness. When the gut microbiome functions as it should, receptors in the gut communicate with receptors in the brain. They then tell the brain where the body needs assistance, and it can heal and repair itself. The gut, blood brain communication mechanism is probably the most important tool your body has to keep itself healthy and free of disease.

We already know that colostrum repairs the human gut microbiome. This makes the gut more healthy. Food is better utilised, components required for normal body function are better absorbed. Our research is ensuring we are providing people with the safest, most efficacious product on the market, with proven health and wellness benefits.

Graeme Clegg’s vision of building a world-renowned health and wellness company based on the life-force power contained within a product produced by a mother to protect her newborn is becoming a reality. Driven by a philosophy of continuous improvement and a desire to contribute to human health, the company has developed numerous cutting edge products over time. Alpha Lipid Lifeline a fortified breakfast shake is the hero product developed to strengthen and protect the body throughout the day. Has become a family institution throughout Asia. Colostem, formulated to facilitate an increase in Stem Cells circulating was shown to increase numbers 122% through clinical trials published in prestigious medical publications. Immunfort tablets were a breakthrough in concentrating 600,000 antibodies into a tablet to reinforce the immune systems defences against bacteria and viruses.

It is correct, not all colostrum is equal or provides real health and wellness benefits. New Image has set the standard for all the colostrum it markets. It ensures that it only uses product that meets its stringent quality parameters. This requires exhaustive testing through highly sophisticated laboratory methods. We also know that the source of colostrum affects the overall bioactivity of the product and how it behaves within the human gut. Some colostrum’s, because of the way they are handled and processed cannot dissolve in the gut and are therefore useless in enhancing health and wellness.

What is unusual is the founder Graeme Clegg is so passionate about colostrum he personally is the “Guinee Pig” for all the research. A recognised anti aging specialist at 84 years of age he is still physically active working out in the gym and enjoying his tennis. Known internationally as “the man who slowed down time” he still actively runs the companies international and expansion operations. He states he started the company to save his life and not to make money and been fortunate to be beneficiary of both. He experienced the trauma of losing his younger brother to cancer at 46 years of age followed by both parents. Realising he could be genetically programmed to be a victim of cancer he was determined to outwit the grim reaper.

We also know that the environment in which cows who give colostrum live, affects the quality of the colostrum. Other factors such as feed type affects the product. In large factory farms the health and wellness of the newborn calf is not taken in to account, by companies harvesting and processing colostrum. Nearly all the male calves receive less than the minimum recommended quantity of colostrum to start their life. These calves either die or are slaughtered. We also know these large factory farms are a toxic environment therefore excessive amounts of antibiotics are used which enter the colostrum and milk. There are even practices of including hormones to force extra milk production off setting the high costs of forcing cows through their lifetime to live on concrete in barns and fed a diet of corn. Cows are ruminants and their digestive system is designed specifically for grass.

For Colostrum to be of the best quality, it should only be harvested from cows which live naturally in a clean environment. They must graze freely on pasture, as nature intended, where they pick up the microbiome within the environment building a robust immune system. The colostrum harvested is therefore much more potent as mother nature designed. When colostrum is harvested it has to be gently treated. It should be immediately chilled and held in vats with a simple agitator to maintain its fluidity. It should be processed within 48 hours of harvesting from the cow. It should never be frozen and held for long periods of time. New Image includes these parameters in its tough product specifications.

Embracing New Zealand's Clean Green Ethos: New Image Group Commitment to Environmental Responsibility and Calf Welfare.

New Zealand's commitment to environmental stewardship resonates deeply with New Image Group., aligning with the nation's ethos of sustainability and responsibility. As advocates for environmental, social, and governance practices endorsed by the government, the company places a strong emphasis on animal welfare, particularly concerning the collection of colostrum. Recognizing the important role colostrum plays in bolstering the immune systems of newborn calves, New Image Group. prioritizes calves receiving colostrum within the first 12 hours after birth. Failure to provide this essential nourishment can leave calves vulnerable to diseases, highlighting the critical importance of responsible colostrum management. To ensure adherence to stringent welfare standards and environmental obligations, the company collaborates closely with dairy farmers. This partnership aims to uphold sustainable practices in colostrum collection and sale, aligning with the Code of Welfare for Dairy Cattle (2019) guidelines. Through these efforts, New Image Group. strives to safeguard calf welfare while honouring New Zealand's environmental ethos, preventing unnecessary loss, and promoting sustainability across the industry.

Why use the colostrum from New Zealand and New Image Group Ltd?

New Image has invested heavily in manufacturing technology to secure its position as the global leader in the colostrum market for the foreseeable future. The New Image Group works directly with selected farmers to secure supplies of premium fresh raw colostrum. Then ensuring that all measures are taken to ensure only the finest grade of colostrum is harvested and held on farm for no longer than 48 hours before it is processed into powder. New Image places its own collection vats on supplier farms to ensure quality standards are maintained. Cows in New Zealand graze on pasture year-round, enjoying the freedom to roam and benefit from natural sun exposure and living conditions. This is the colostrum we harvest.

By eliminating certain factors known to negatively impact quality, such as confinement and artificial lighting, New Zealand cows produce premium colostrum. This natural, pasture-based approach to farming not only promotes animal welfare but also enhances the nutritional content and bioactive properties of the colostrum produced. New Zealand emerges as a prime source for high-quality colostrum, reflecting the country's commitment to sustainable and ethical farming practices.

As part of its investment strategy New Image acquired in a unique, bespoke spray drying facility, NZ Food Innovation (Waikato), Manufacture of New Images New Generation Colostrum is being moved to NZFIW. Investment in high technology plant and equipment is being made, with installation in June this year for operation in July. The innovative process by which the product will be made, is soon-to-be-patented. NZFIW will be managing the process, and all R&D will be co-ordinated through this entity as well,

In August this year we undertook production trials in the facility and determined this was the only facility available to manufacture New Images Next Generation colostrum. The facility operates under licence from the New Zealand Government agency MPI. It is audited against food safety and product safety standards every three months. The level of compliance is very high, and this is reflected in the quality standards of the product produced. In our novel process we enhance levels of a wide range of bioactives, we reduce heat stress on the product, and significantly reduce any denaturation of the important bioactive compounds.

In part of the process, we employ a novel liposome technology where we encapsulate some of the bio actives to further protect them through the human gut. The process to manufacture our next generation colostrum is novel, world leading and uses cutting edge technology, to further protect the valuable life-force contained within a product produced by a mother to protect her newborn. The innovative technology being installed is attracting international interest as the membrane technology will enable the direct extraction of valuable bio actives so they can be concentrated for health supplements, dairy and infant formulas.

With its rich composition of bioactive compounds, bovine colostrum represents a historical cornerstone in health practices, validated by scientific scrutiny. The intricate interplay of colostrum's immunoglobulins, peptides, and growth factors and other immune-like compounds suggests a holistic impact on immune modulation, inflammation reduction, and metabolic health, positioning colostrum as a valuable dietary component with therapeutic implications. As we stand on the cusp of new scientific horizons, colostrum's legacy persists, offering insights that may reshape paradigms in health and nutrition, fostering a future where its inherent benefits contribute to a more profound understanding of mental health, well-being, and resilience. If there was just one supplement to maximise health benefits it would have to be mother natures colostrum. If the immune system is robust the body is protected in many ways accumulating in extended lifespans.

The world needs New Image and colostrum.


Any opinions, views and beliefs represented in this article are personal and belong solely to the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, views and beliefs of the organisation and employees of New Image™ International

Disclaimer: Any opinions, views and beliefs represented in this article are personal and belong solely to the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, views and beliefs of the organisation and employees of New Image™ International

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