MLM This should be your #1 short-term goal!

2 min read

Over 95% percent of the people who get into network marketing want to achieve two things: make big money and have more free time.

Both of those goals – make big money and have more free time – are great goals to have and are the reasons many ambitious people turn to network marketing

But both of these goals are "too far out there" for most success-seeking network marketers, at least initially. Instead, those networkers should focus on what should their #1 short-term goal, which is to earn their first $500 commission. Then the #2 goal, is $1000 a month. When you achieve that, double it. Success is a series of small programable and achievable steps, the same as any other career and remuneration.

The reason targeting $500 in a month should be their #1 short-term goal is because going from $0 to $500 is when you will start establishing those necessary productive habits and skills to become a successful (and rich!) network marketer.

Being a successful network marketer requires a person to "be their own boss", meaning they have to be self-determined, self-motivated, self-responsible, and self-functional. They must learn how to "play the game" of network marketing so that they apply only those methods that are proven to be measurably effective. They must become better communicators, better leaders, better teachers, and better role models.

While all of these things require conscious choices and routine application, they're all quite simple and easy to learn and can be achieved in a relatively short time.

In the beginning remember, there are a lot of skills to learn, so you will need to spend more time learning with a lower remuneration and as your skills increase you earn higher and higher remunerations. Without developing leadership in your team, the network structure will collapse as fast as you build, undermining your progress. You must train and facilitate as many people as possible up the career path for a sustainable business.

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Any opinions, views and beliefs represented in this article are personal and belong solely to the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, views and beliefs of the organisation and employees of New Image™ International

Disclaimer: Any opinions, views and beliefs represented in this article are personal and belong solely to the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, views and beliefs of the organisation and employees of New Image™ International

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