Network marketing is a solitary business.

2 min read

Often times on a professional sports team, (football, basketball, hockey, baseball, etc.), the team's star player has an "average game" or even a rather "bad game", yet the team still wins. That's because there's other players on the team the star player can rely upon.

But relying upon others doesn't happen in stroke-play golf tournament. Golf is solitary game. Even though the pro golfer is on the course with one or two other players in his group -- and even though the pro golfer has a caddie -- and even though the pro golfer's family and friends may be walking the course with him outside the ropes -- and even though there may be hundreds or thousands of spectators on the course -- the pro golfer is literally "all alone" on the course, playing by himself against the course.

When a pro golfer has an "average" or "bad" day on the course, there is no one else to rely upon. It is he and he alone. If he's having a bad or average round, there are no teammates that can come to his rescue to "save his round". All the pro golfer can do is forge ahead, shot after shot, hole after hole, and summon up his best inner attitude and mental strength to be in the present moment in an effort to make the most of what golf he has left in that particular round.

The good news is that for the pro golfer who is having an average or bad day on the course, there's always tomorrow! I've got some news that will no doubt come as a surprise to many network marketers. And that is that network marketing -- like golf -- is a solitary business.

The network marketing industry puts forth the image that network marketing is a "team business", particularly when it's recruiting new people into the industry. Time and time again new prospects are told that they have the "full support" of other people, and that they have a "full team" they will be a part of. The truth is, that in order for a person to succeed in network marketing, they must accept the fact that they will be working alone 99% of the time, and that they must be 100% self-determined, self-motivated, self-responsible, and self-functional.

Even though the network marketer has a sponsor and upline distributors they can talk with pretty much at any time throughout the day -- and even though the network marketer has downline distributors they can talk with pretty much at any time throughout the day -- and even though the network marketer has sideline distributors they can talk with pretty much at any time throughout the day -- what it comes down to is that the network marketer is "all alone" at their home or office, working their business alone.

When the network marketer is having an "average" or "bad" day, there is no one else they can rely upon to work their business. There's nobody to rely upon to make the calls for them. There's nobody to rely upon to do the follow-ups. There's nobody to rely upon to close the prospect and sign them up. All the network marketer can do is forge ahead, make those contacts and calls, manage their business, work their game plan, minute after minute, hour after hour, and summon up their best inner attitude and mental strength to be in the present moment in an effort to make the most of what time they have left in the day and do those things that need to be done. Their future lifestyle and financial independence depends on what they achieve each day. The good news is that for the network marketer who is having an average or bad day, there's always tomorrow.


Any opinions, views and beliefs represented in this article are personal and belong solely to the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, views and beliefs of the organisation and employees of New Image™ International

Disclaimer: Any opinions, views and beliefs represented in this article are personal and belong solely to the author/s and do not necessarily reflect the opinion, views and beliefs of the organisation and employees of New Image™ International

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